Leister US is hosting its annual Basic Plastic Welding – GEO Training.
Learn from our Leister US Product Specialists the basics of not only the Leister array of tools, but also plastic welding basics for the Geosynthetics Industry.
When: December 10-12
Where: Leister US Training Center, United States
Training hours: Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
3 Day Course, Free of Charge
Beverages and Lunches are provided onsite at Leister US each day of class.
** Leister US bears no costs for travel and accommodation.
Leister US Training Center
Leister Technologies LLC
1275 Hamilton Parkway, Itasca, IL 60143
United States
Phone: 630-760-1000
Email: academy.ltus@leister.com