Leister Technologies, LLCは、イリノイ州イタスカで年次DVS(ドイツ溶接協会)トレーニングおよび認定クラスを開催しました。


シカゴ — 2021年7月26日 — 高温ガスプラスチック製造ツールおよび機器の世界的リーダーであるライスター・テクノロジーズAGの子会社であるライスター・テクノロジーズLLCは、イリノイ州イタスカで10月11日~15日および18日~22日に毎年開催されるDVSトレーニングおよび認定クラスを開催します。

The manager of Plastics Engineering at the Aachen University Chamber of Craft and Trades in Aachen, Germany, will be conducting the training. Aachen University, founded in 1870, is one of the premier technical/scientific and research institutions in Europe.

The classroom and hands-on training will include structure and physics of thermoplastics, hot gas speed welding and extrusion welding processes, parameters, techniques, best practices and more. Classroom schedule is as follows: Monday 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Tuesday through Thursday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. and Friday 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. For DVS Certifications, attendees will undergo additional requirements; destructive testing of specimens shipped to Aachen University.

To sign up for classroom training and/or certification classes, fill out, sign and submit this form as soon as possible. Seating is limited and will be reserved on a "first come, first served" basis.

Leister Technologies AG

Leister Technologies AG (www.leister.com) has been the worldwide leader in plastic welding and hot-air equipment for more than 70 years. The Swiss manufacturer’s plastic-welding products are used in roof sealing systems, floor coverings, plastic sheeting, earthworks, hydraulic and tunnel engineering, process equipment manufacturing and for vehicle repair; its process heat products are used for activating, heating, curing, melting, shrinking, welding, sterilizing, drying and warming.

Leister’s global headquarters is in Kaegiswil, Switzerland with sales and service centers in more than 90 countries. With a commitment to quality, the company is ISO 9001 certified, and develops and produces all its products and accessories (more than 10,000 items) on its own state-of-the-art manufacturing premises.

Leister Technologies LLC

Headquartered near Chicago, Leister Technologies LLC is a subsidiary of Leister Technologies AG. It supports the sales and service of Leister’s full line of industrial process heating, plastic welding, laser technologies and Axetris microsystem products through its wide network of distribution partners across North America.