La microtecnica di Axetris come salvavita durante la pandemia di Corona

Approfondimento Leister2 ago 2021

Axetris è specializzata nella microtecnica e produce sorgenti a infrarossi, tra le altre cose, nella propria camera sterile. Le sorgenti a infrarossi fanno parte dei respiratori utilizzati per i pazienti affetti da coronavirus negli ospedali.

Unknown persons have registered the domain name in the last few days and thus send e-mails in the name of the Leister Group with fraudulent intentions. Furthermore, e-mails with a spoofed sender address ( were sent, which contained very strange-looking requests in the text (CEO Fraud1)

For this reason, we recommend you the following measures:

  • Never respond with "Reply" to emails with such strange-looking content. Always make inquiries via the officially known contact details of the Leister Group. 
  • Checking2 the sender address on incoming emails.
    The correct return addresses for the Leister Group are as follows:
  • Blocking the domain on your firewalls, proxy servers and mail gateways.

We would like to apologize for any inconveniences caused and hope that this information will make a small contribution to the fight against cybercrime.

1 CEO Fraud is a fraud method in which attackers impersonate a CEO, manager or boss and ask recipients to transfer money to a spe-cific account, for example. If the attacker uses email as a means of communication, CEO fraud is a form of business email compro-mise (BEC).

2 Note: It is not possible to reliably check the email address in the sender line because this display can be falsified (address spoofing). The check must be done with a mouseover (up to Office 2016) and for newer versions via "File - Properties".