Paint Removal

Removing paint or varnish is easier with hot air as opposed to using chemicals. The wide range of Leister and Weldy heat guns provides the ideal solution. Using hot air to remove paint or adhesives from wood or walls is a great alternative to sanding or stripping.

Old paint and adhesive residues are thus dissolved without the use of chemicals. At a temperature of 500 to 600°C it is even possible to dissolve several layers simultaneously. This method is particularly suitable for oil-based paints and synthetic resin paints. The window kit on old windows can also be removed with a little practice by using hot air. It is advisable to wear a breathing mask during this work because harmful vapours can escape from the old materials. To facilitate the scraping of paint, varnish, kit and adhesive, Leister offers a special scraper nozzle for the ELECTRON ST hot air blower.