Mohamed Darbali is a 24 year old man who lives in Zagora, an oasis city in southern Morocco. After he completed his final exams for Life Sciences and Geography, he began studying Physics in 2014 at the Semlalia Department of Natural Sciences in Marrakesh.
Just as in the rest of Morocco, agriculture is very important in Zagora (Mohamed’s home town). In particular, red watermelons are grown there, which require water reservoirs and drip irrigations systems in the melon fields. Furthermore, the national «Plan Maroc Vert» is a strategic plan that was put in place for the entire country and the development of agriculture.
There are three of us; I am the CEO and take care of all commercial and financial activities, while my business partners work with me on the job sites. If needed, we hire temporary employees for larger projects.
Leister is represented in Casablanca by AFIT-CCIC (editorial note: a worldwide Leister distributor), and it only made sense for us to buy our equipment from them. Thami el Masmoudi from AFIT-CCIC provided me with very good advice, and when I saw the equipment in the customer workshop, my decision was clear: Buy new Leister devices from the local distributor in Morocco.