After a total of seven months of welding, the entire swimming pool was sealed. During this time, the installers worked virtually six days a week. Zoran Antic, a Tecton AG employee: “We had to take advantage of every period of good weather from A to Z, even if it fell on a Saturday.” The effort was worth it. For when the fall weather set in, the daily output fell to roughly a third of a summer day’s work. This was due to cooler temperatures, rain, dew, falling leaves and darkness. This increased the preparation effort and made working conditions more difficult overall.
Opening May 14, 2022 – on time for season launch
Good news for all water rats: It is now confirmed that renovation work will be carried out according to plan and that the “Weyerli” will reopen on May 14, 2022. A satisfied Silvan Horand, Product Manager at Leister Technologies AG: “The next time I visit our Sales and Service partner F. Jannone AG, I’ll take my swimsuit with me, because they are only 6 kilometers/3.7 miles from the ‘Weyerli’.”