Recording of the Webinar "Permanently Watertight and with added Value: the Usable Flatroof 4.0"

Webinar29 May 2024
Immerse yourself in the world of flat roof waterproofing and discover the latest findings with Leister's expertise. Our comprehensive analysis highlights key factors such as plastic roofing membranes, advanced welding parameters and the welding triangle of joining technology in automatic welding.

Watch the recording of our webinar now and learn how optimal test welds and attention to critical factors such as temperature, speed and pressure contribute to the durability and sustainability of flat roofs. We will also show you how quality assurance through GPS-supported data reporting and the welding window enable effective flat roof waterproofing.

Content of the Video
  • Introduction: Challenges of a Utility Flat Roof 4.0
  • Welding Triangle of the Joining Technique for Automatic Welding
  • Quality Assurance through GPS-Supported Data Report
  • Welding Window
Permanently Watertight and with added Value: the Usable Flatroof 4.0