Efficient Welding of Cardboard Packaging with Hot Air

Industry Segment8 May 2024
Have you read our expertise on sustainable welding of cardboard-based packaging and now want to convert your high-performance machine from gas to hot air? Good plan. You will find everything you need in the brochure. Of course, from Leister. Free to download now.

Author: Silke Landtwing, Editor

If you produce cardboard-based packaging for dry or liquid foodstuffs (liquid packaging), you used to face a number of challenges when converting your existing machines from gas to hot air. Hot air is not only more sustainable and safer, but you also achieve better quality longitudinal seam welds. This is because the weld seam does not oxidize when hot air is used.

Modern Leister heating technology – sustainable and safe

Which Leister heating technology do you need for your retrofitting? In this brochure, hot air professionals Markus Lipp and Pius Enz have put together the Leister range you need and offer additional important information.

Download brochure now

Download the brochure now, select the right hot air range from Leister and switch from gas to hot air. Need our support? We are close to you wherever you are – and happy to help. Contact us. Leister. We know how.

White paper
Sealing cardboard paper